2022 Ford Transit AWD Large

2022 Ford Transit AWD Large
Year: 2022
Make: Ford
Model: Transit
Length: 22 feet
Odometer: 30
Sleeps: 4
Seats: 4-5
Two Queen Beds with 6” thick Mattress to enjoy a comfortable sleep
Bedside Lights are dimmable and able to be adjusted
Ceiling height is 6’6" so plenty of room to stand up
Secondary Heater for when the van is off. This heater uses your vans fuel tank so no need to mess with propane or extra fuel. Temperature controlled and programmable to set up a schedule for heating. Settable voltage safety shut off and fuel level safety shut off. Easy maintenance. Servicing available at Wandervans
47QT ARB fridge, an be used as a fridge and freezer
Easy to use sink and cabinet with two 5 gallon jugs (one for fresh water and one for gray water)
Lots of hooks for hanging bags and clothes. Lots of storage space under the bed and cabinets for clothes and food.
Sitting Bench for relaxing at any time of the day. Bench is also sized to allow an optional porta-a-potty to be stored inside, which is already included
A full set of custom curtains
Double AGM Batteries - 140 AMP Hours of total capacity. Capable of powering all electrical and appliances included in the kit and addons. This system can be upgraded at your request.
Roof Rack with Awning
Other options that we can also add if you're interested for an additional fee:
Solar Panels for more power
Ceiling fan
Additional Battery
Interested? Give us a call at (888) 861-6776 EXT. 9 or email conversions@wandervans.com