Fall Trip: Salt Lake City to the Grand Canyon and/or Sedona AZ  (Dropping off in Vegas)

  • Day 1 - Drive to Moab – 234 Miles/3.75 hrs. Optionally stay overnight in nearby campground and spend a day or two adventuring and exploring the area.

  • Day 2 – Drive to the Grand Canyon – 326 Miles/5.5 hrs. Spend the day in the Grand Canyon region doing any variety of outdoor activities and stay at a campground in the area. 

  • Day 3/4 – Drive to the Sedona – 114 Miles/2.0 hrs. Spend the day touring the Sedona area and optionally camp overnight at a nearby campground.

  • Day 4/5 - Drive West to the Las Vegas – 280 Miles/4.5 hrs. Drop off the Wandervan at our Las Vegas Location or spend another day exploring the Vegas area.

Trip Summary – 953 Miles/16 hrs. driving over 4/5 days. Optionally extend this trip to 6/7 days if you choose to take a longer adventure!

Trip Variation #1: Drive South to Phoenix  

  • Day 5 – Drive South to Phoenix and spend a few days visiting family or sightseeing. Drop off your van at our Wandervans Phoenix location – 117 Miles/2 hrs.