Towing Policy

Towing Boats and Trailers behind a large Campervan can be much different than towing with your own truck. We know all too well how tricky it can be to tow a boat or trailer with a vehicle that you're not familiar with, so please take a minute to review our towing policies.

What kinds of things are NOT allowed to be towed?


Anything which weighs over 2,500 lbs. when fully loaded is expressly not allowed. This is primarily due to the manufacturer's recommended towing capacity of these vehicles, as they are simply not designed for towing. 

  • Our vans are generally not rated for towing larger items, and damage can result to the engine, brakes, and wheel alignment. Additionally, the tongue weight rating on our vans is too low to haul larger items. 

  • Boats are generally too large and too heavy to be towed with a Wandervan. 

  • Campers are often times much too heavy. Often times the camper is relatively lightweight, but once all of your gear, water, belongings, foodstuffs, etc. are loaded inside, the overall weight then vastly exceeds the 2,500 lb. threshold that we allow for. Please do not tow these items, damage will likely occur and you'll be liable for damages. 

  • Trailers which exceed 2,000 lbs. are not allowed, since we assume you'll be hauling something with a weight likely exceeding 300-400 lbs, therefore resulting a total loaded weight near 2,500 or slightly more. Please understand we want to limit the loaded weight of the trailer not to exceed 2,500 lbs. 

What kinds of things ARE allowed to be towed?

Anything which weighs under 2,500 lbs. when fully loaded will be approved, but we still require you to submit all of your information and provide a photo of your trailer, license plate, and tongue weight. Once we have all of your info, we'll keep it on file, and also add the additional trailer to your insurance rider/package. 

  • Small Motorcycle Trailers are allowed, which weigh less than 2,500 lbs. when fully loaded.

  • Small Snowmobile Trailers are allowed, which weigh less than 2,500 lbs. when fully loaded.

  • Rafting Trailers are allowed, which weigh less than 2,500 lbs. when fully loaded.

  • Kayaks and Catamaran Trailers are allowed, which weigh less than 2,500 lbs. when fully loaded.

  • Bicycle Trailers are allowed, which weigh less than 2,500 lbs. when fully loaded.

What do I need to submit for Towing Approval?

The trailer weight shown on the equipment plus a projected weight of the loaded items. 

  • The listed tongue weight specified on your trailer.

  • A photo of your trailer and a picture of the license plate.

  • A copy of your insurance coverage for the trailer or item being towed.

  • Once we have all of the necessary information, we will provide an email indicating approval or denial of your towing request. 

Please email the following information to the appropriate rental location for approval

Go to our Contact Us page on our website and select the appropriate rental location and corresponding email address for contacting a representative for approval.  
